Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov 29 2010-3

My baby,
When you are reading these words, I am not in this world anymore.
My heart aches, because right now, the only thing I can wish for is to hear you one more time.

To hear your sweet words one more time. To close my eyes, let you take my pain away and let me just look at your eyes when my soul is about to leave my body forever.
I wish I could taste your lips and feel your warm body when my body is getting cold.
I wish I was something in your life. Something in your room. Something so close to you. Something that you would never want to throw it away. Something that you would always look at it when you are walking. I wish I didn’t have to die to fly to you. I wish I didn’t have to die to be able to hold you when you are sleeping on your bed. I wish I could have one wish that really would come true.
I wouldn’t want something so great. I just would wish for you to love me one more time.
Your love was everything I had and now, without it, I am nothing,
I am empty, I am dead.

Nov 29 2010-2

I would give up everything for one moment with you;
for one moment is better than a lifetime of not having you.

Nov 29 2010-1

Dear Andrew,
You were the treasure in my hands. You were always with me, helped me and took care of me.
Sometimes, I forgot to take care of you. Sometimes, I forgot to caress you. Sometimes, I didn’t hold you tight and then, you fell down. But, I don’t know how, every time I opened my hands, I saw you being there. Then, I took a deep breath, because I still had my treasure.

After 6 years, I opened my eyes and then, opened my hands. You are not there. I turn my head but still don’t see you. I call out your name, but no one answer me… I am scared. I am lost.
I am nothing without you.

Nov 28 2010

Ask me why I keep on loving, when It's clear that you don't feel the same way for me... 
the problem is that as much as I can't force you to love me, 
I can't force myself to stop loving you

Nov 27 2010

You're gone... forever.... 
You were my EVERYTHING,
and now that you're gone,